freelance artist

Cat☆ / she/her / ⚢
☆ Hello! I'm Cat! I love to draw really gay and sparkly things, usually cute girls! PJ is my cat/daughter and I fight the urge to post about her 24/7.
☆ favorites: | ☆ current interests: |
◦ MY BAE ♡ | ◦ sarah waters books |
◦ CATS!(´꒳`) | ◦ dungeons&dragons |
◦ GL/YURI♡ | ◦ brooklyn nine-nine |
◦ ART ☆ | ◦ yu yu hakusho |
notes / about me
▸ I'm very private (read:paranoid) so I don't like sharing specific personal info, such as: |
⇢ my birth name |
⇢ date of birth/age |
⇢ specific location |
▸ I don't really like publically talking about personal or health issues either. |
▸ sometimes I get overwhelmed when I talk to too many people so please don't feel bad if I take a while to respond to you! it's nothing personal! |
likes & interests
pokemon (more)
☆☆☆☆☆ | |
fav region: | johto |
fav starter: | totodile |
fav pokes: | meowth, tediursa, mew, shinx, miltank, politoad |
fav eevees: | umbreon, vaporeon, sylveon |
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video games (more)
☆☆☆☆☆ | |
fav genres: | RPG, horror, sims, casual |
fav games: | pokemon (most of them!) |
⇢ | jet set radio |
⇢ | hotline miami (1 & 2) |
⇢ | nier automata |
⇢ | ACNL |
⇢ | harvest moon |
⇢ | stardew valley |
⇢ | smash bros (meele & brawl) |
fav zeldas: | majora's mask |
⇢ | ocarina of time |
⇢ | a link to the past |
⇢ | minish cap |
⇢ | link between worlds |
fav horror: | silent hill (1, 2, & 3) |
⇢ | resident evil (1 & 4) |
⇢ | clocktower |
⇢ | haunting grounds |
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